Dry Eye Diagnosis

Dry Eye Disease can be complex and confusing to diagnose. At Dry Eye Institutes of America™ our specialty knowledge and sophisticated technology minimizes these challenges in several ways.

Understanding Your Condition

We take the time to consult with you on a personal level to get to know you better, and thoroughly review your medical and eye health history. If you’ve been treated for Dry Eyes previously, your doctor evaluates the results. Most of all, we want to completely understand what you’re going through and how your symptoms are affecting your daily life. This valuable information allows your doctor to accurately diagnose your Dry Eye severity to order the best possible treatment.

At Dry Eye Institutes of America™, our doctors can draw from a variety of diagnostic tests, technologies, and methods. The extent of what’s required can depend on your doctor’s evaluation, including your health, prescription medications, age, and other factors like what type of work you do. Our diagnostics coincide with our own carefully designed treatment regimen we apply to your specific condition.

Assessing Tear Quality

At Dry Eye Institutes of America™ we use the TearLab test to accurately measure your tear osmolarity. This is related to the level of salt content in your tears that determines tear health and stability.

Allergy Testing

Itchy, irritated eyes are among the most common symptoms of Dry Eye Disease. However, these are also common to ocular (eye) allergies. Knowing exactly where the root cause lies is crucial to your diagnosis. Our specialty allergy testing can identify more than 60 common allergens, and determine if your condition is caused by allergies, dry eyes, or both.

Other Diagnostics

Examples of additional diagnostics we may perform include corneal topography, visual acuity, and Sjogren’s Syndrome testing. Whatever your doctor orders relates to your specific condition, as well as our own carefully designed treatment plan. Regardless, your doctor will only order what is necessary, thoroughly ensure your comfort, and keep you fully informed throughout.