Your Dry Eye Treatment Options

In recent years, research has revealed that dry eye disease is more complex to treat than originally thought. Treatment has advanced dramatically in just a few short years, and there are more options available than ever before. At Dry Eye Institutes of America™ we are...

Symptoms of Dry Eye Disease

All dry eye sufferers share a common symptom: nagging discomfort you just want to go away. After that, symptoms – and there are many – can vary depending on your specific condition. In other words, just as your eyes are unique to you, so are your dry eye symptoms. At...

What Causes Dry Eye Disease?

Do your eyes become dry more than occasionally or especially irritated for long periods? If so, you may have dry eye disease, or dry eyes, which has wide range of causes. A simple evaluation by one of our doctors could quickly reveal if you even have dry eyes, or if...

My LipiFlow Treatment

LipiFlow is an amazing device that treats evaporative dry eye, the most common type. This happens when the upper and lower eyelid glands become blocked causing your tears to evaporate too much. The medical name for these are the “meibomian glands.” When...

New Cause of Dry Eyes Discovered?

Researchers at the University of Arizona recently discovered a previously unknown potential cause of dry eye disease that happened unexpectedly. The research was conducted at the Arizona Health Sciences Center’s UA Steele Children’s Research Center related to a...