At Dry Eye Institutes of America™ our goal is to help our Dallas/Fort Worth dry eye patients live as symptom-free as possible, regardless of the cause. This includes providing useful information to our patients and public about various dry eye issues. One cause we’d like to discuss here is the connection between dry eyes and LASIK.
First and foremost, LASIK has proven to be a simple, safe procedure. The number of patients with post-LASIK complications or side effects is relatively very low. Yet, LASIK is still surgeryand it’s important to choose a surgeon who will be completely up front and honest about all risks as well as benefits.

Of those who experience side effects dry eye disease is considered the most common. However, this is usually only temporary. In some cases a patient may have had it before surgery. In other cases, the surgery itself can cause dry eye symptoms.

This is one reason why screening for LASIK has led to advances in dry eye detection. Today, more and more surgeons screen for potential or pre-existing dry eye disease during the initial LASIK consultation. The most important reason for this is to ensure a patient is a candidate for LASIK. On the other hand, in effect this can be a “double dip.” LASIK candidates with dry eyes can get it treated, as well as have the LASIK procedure they want to improve their vision. Also, dry eyes can cause contact lenses to become uncomfortable. In this case, LASIK may be considered as an alternative if the patient is a candidate.

If the LASIK screening reveals a more serious dry eye condition or concern, alternative vision correction procedures which don’t involve creating a corneal flap may be recommended.

The main reason LASIK can cause dry eye symptoms has to do with penetrating the eye’s surface in making the corneal flap (the surface of the eye). This can reduce the sensitivity of the corneal nerve, affect the eye’s need for lubrication and cause inadequate tear production. While this is most often temporary, LASIK surgeons now recommend lubricating eye drops or similar before the procedure, even for those without any sign of dry eyes.

If you’ve had LASIK and are experiencing dry eye symptoms, Dry Eye Institutes of America™ can help. We use the latest technology and diagnostics to pinpoint the cause, severity, and prescribe a treatment plan designed to make each day more symptom-free and productive. Call our office at 817-488-3490 or email us at Our main office is conveniently located in Grapevine, with affiliated Dallas/Fort Worth specialists near you.

If you’re considering LASIK, your best option is to choose a surgeon who will spend the extra time to properly screen for dry eyes and other vision problems. A responsible surgeon won’t perform LASIK if he or she detects potential problems later on.